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Helena Restaurants

Helena Restaurants

user contentRestaurant Posts

“Authentic Asian/Chinese Cuisine”“The L&D is a Helena icon, specializing oriental cuisine and buffet style dining. This
Posted by: L & D Chinese Buffet

“We Are A "Casual Cafe In The Heart Of Montana"”“We offer Montana meals with originality, from Huckleberry stuffed French toast and pancak
Posted by: Steve's Cafe

“In The Heart Of Downtown Helena”“Lucca's is a dinner-only fine dining Italian restaurant located in the heart of Downtown
Posted by: Lucca's

Restaurants may post descriptions here without charge.

user contentReader Reviews

“To Go”Larry, Lincoln - “To go was $8.50 very small box I ask for soup won tong when
Said about: L & D Chinese Buffet

“Sub-par”Kathryn, Anaconda - “Very sub-par food. The sauces for the chicken dishes were p
Said about: Uptown Cafe

“Gross Food/TERRIBLE Service”Non-Member, Reader - “This place is NASTY!! The food was terrible and the waitres
Said about: La Casa Fiesta

We welcome readers to share opinions.

(Try keyword "Dinner reservations" or a ZIP code)

Welcome to MetroGuide.Network's Helena DiningGuide, a directory of restaurants and related restaurant information for Metropolitan Helena, Montana. Use MetroGuide's DiningGuide service to find Helena restaurants by location or cuisine.

Springing up fast as a mining camp, thanks to discovery of gold at Last Chance Gulch in 1864, what's now Montana's capital city provides some golden opportunities to this day, especially among eclectic dining options. Downtown outposts along Last Chance Gulch range from Gourmet to Go, with homemade soups, wraps, and pastries and Green Iguana Juice & Joe with its Fancy Pants, Scapegoat and Hungry Horse sandwiches to the Windbag Saloon with char-broiled Angus steaks. Also on Last Chance Gulf, Taco del Sol serves fish and veggie burritos, tacos and such, while Coney Island serves gyros, pita, pizzas, nachos, and Mexican dinners nightly. Steak Chili is always on the stove at Mom's Soup & Salad, also serving vegetarian, seafood, and beef, poultry or ham soups. Karmadillos slow cooks all its savory meats and salsas daily for dishes like pork with jicima cabbage slaw or beef with roasted corn salsa, Oaxaca cheese blend and cumin crème. Bert & Ernie's Dining Saloon and Grill has B&E specials like Montana Micro Night and Pint Night, plus a kid's menu. Helena also has a complete line-up of chain options for Asian dishes and American fare from burgers to pizza and ice cream.

DiningGuide Helena is part of MetroGuide Helena, offering guides to hotels, entertainment and more for the entire region.

Helena Dining by Location
Helena Dining By Location

To perform a quick search for restaurants in the Metropolitan Helena area, please select one of the locations below (restaurant listings will be grouped by cuisine / category):

Restaurants located in Helena and the surrounding cities of Montana City and White Sulphur Springs. Helena Regional Airport (HLN) located 3 miles northeast of the city serves the Helena area
Dining options located south of Helena in the cities of Butte, Dillon, Deer Lodge and Anaconda. Butte and the surrounding areas are served by Bert Mooney Airport (BTM) located 4 miles southeast of Butte
·Salmon, Idaho
Restaurants located south of Helena, Montana in the city of Salmon, Idaho

Helena Dining by Cuisine
Helena Dining By Cuisine

Or, select a cuisine / category from the list presented below (restaurant listings will be grouped by location).

American - CasualBuffetChineseFast FoodIce Cream - YogurtMexicanPizzaSteak

To return to the DiningGuide Helena home page during your search, follow the navigation links provided at the top of the pages.

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